Tumblr gay rape porn blog

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Let adults have the kinks, fetishes and realities they want to have - stop policing others and just go and get your rocks off elsewhere. Let's not turn this site into a witch hunting platform where we ban blogs with content we don't personally find sexy Please don't report me and get my blog banned, just block me! If this is not your thing, block me and go find porn you do enjoy. This blog is about misogyny, rape, male supremacy, male rights, rapist worship, men's rights, sexual and domestic violence, female inferiority and servitude, female orgasm denial, and my journey from edging to this stuff on Tumblr, to accepting it as reality So here's the disclaimer that we shouldn't need to put up on a porn blogging site -Īll models in photos, gifs etc are presumed to be of legal age Why follow a blog called raypholes - 'rape holes' if you didn't like the content? I've gotten a bunch of anon hate and messages threatening to report me and get my blog banned. Read my pinned note for more info about me

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